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공익사업 투자이민제도란?

법무부장관이 정한 투자대상에 기준금액 이상의 투자를 마친 외국인과 동반가족에게 거주(F-2) 자격을 부여하고, 거주(F-2) 체류자격으로 5년 이상 투자 유지 시 일정기준에 따라 영주(F-5) 체류자격 부여하는 제도입니다.

공익사업 투자이민제도 설명 하단 상세 설명 참조
  1. 1. 공익사업 투자 상품에 기준 금액 이상 투자
  2. 2. 투자즉시 거주 (F-2) 자격 취득
  3. 3. 5년 경과 후 대한민국 영주권 취득
  4. 원금보장 - 투자금을 회수할 때까지 이자는 없지만, 원금을 안전하게 보장


  1. 일반투자이민 : 15억 원 이상

  2. 고액투자이민 : 30억 원 이상


투자절차 단계 하단 상세 설명 참조
  1. STEP.01 사전심사

    투자자의 체류허가 적합여부를 사전에 심사하여 원활한 투자절차 진행 지원

  2. STEP.02 전용계좌 개설 및 투자금 송금

    투자금 국내 송금전용 투자자 명의 계좌 개설

    ※ 투자금은 해외계좌에서 송금

  3. STEP.03 비자발급 및 입국

    국내 입국을 위한 비자신청 및 출입국 지원

  4. STEP.04 투자확인 및 거주(F-2)자격 변경

    입국 후 투자금 예치 확인 및 거주자격 변경 등


투자자 본인 및 배우자,미혼자녀도 대한민국에서 출입국, 취업, 사업, 학업등이 자유로운 거주(F-2)자격이 부여됩니다.
또한, 5년간 투자상태를 유지하시면, 영주(F-5)자격이 부여됩니다.

What is the Immigrant Investor Scheme for Public Business?

The Immigrant Investor Scheme for Public Business is the government program that allows foreigners who satisfy the investment requirements designated by the Minister of Justice to obtain F-2 resident and F-5 Permanent Resident status. For instance, those that have invested the minimum investment amounts or more in Korea and their families will be granted F-2 Resident status, and if they successfully maintain the investments for the next 5 years, they will, also, be granted permanent residency.

  1. 1. You must invest the minimum investment amounts in the projects and funds of the Immigrant Investor Scheme for Public Business
  2. 2. You will be granted F-2 Resident status immediately after you make your investment(s).
  3. 3. You will be granted Permanent Residency if you maintain your original investments for 5 years.
  4. Principal Protection - Notwithstanding no interest until the full recovery, the scheme guarantees the return of the original amount you invested.

Minimum Investment Amounts

  1. General Investment Immigration: 1.5 billion KRW or more

  2. High-amount Investment Immigration: 3 billion KRW or more

Investment Procedure

Investment Procedure
  1. STEP.01 Preliminary Review

    The Preliminary Evaluation helps the investment process go smoothly and assesses a potential foreign investor’s eligibility for the status of stay in Korea in advance.

  2. STEP.02 Establishment of a Bank Account for a Wire-Transfer of Investment Money

    You open a new bank account for a wire transfer of your investment money.

  3. STEP.03 Visa Issuance and Entry

    You will receive the support for visa application and entry to Korea

  4. STEP.04 Investment Confirmation and Change of Your Status to F-2 Permantnt Resident

    Once you have properly made your investments after arriving in Korea, you will have to change your status to F-2 Resident.


The investor, his/her spouse and unmarried children will be granted F-2 Resident status him/her to freely leave/enter, work, run a business and study in Korea. Also, if the investor maintains the investments for 5 years, he/she will be granted F-5 Permanent Resident status.


公益事业投资移民制度是指针对向法务部长官指定的投资项目投资标准金额以上资金的外国人及其随行家属,政府将赋予居住(F-2)资格,如以居住(F-2)资格保持5年以上投资状态,将按一定标准赋予永住(F-5) 居留资格的制度。

  1. 1. 向公益事业投资商品投资标准金额以上的资金
  2. 2. 投资即可获得居住 (F-2)资格
  3. 3. 5年后可获得大韩民国永住权
  4. 保障本金 – 收回投资本金时虽无利息,但可确保投资人的本金安全


  1. 普通投资移民:15亿韩元以上

  2. 高额投资移民:30亿韩元以上


  1. STEP.01 事先审查


  2. STEP.02 开设专用账户及投资资金的汇入


  3. STEP.03 签证签发及入境


  4. STEP.04 确认投资及申请居住F2 签证

